This update does not include a new version of the template. All changes apply to both new and existing files.
To unify the data import and viewing experience, the Datasets page is now embedded in the Data page. The Import tab has been replaced by the new Datasets tab on the Data page. When you select to import data on the Datasets tab, the entire import process happens within that tab, instead of opening a new browser tab.
The Save views icon is now available on the Data page that allows you to save your current view and access previously saved views.
You can now view a dataset from the Datasets tab of the Data page. While previously, you could only view trial balance and general ledger in the Data page, you can now select the View data button for any dataset to view it.
The new imports workflow also includes the option to import trial balance data from an existing engagement. When you select the Import from Caseware Cloud Engagement option, a dialog opens that allows you to select the engagement from which you want to import.
You can now use custom formulas in the Overall Materiality Table.
You can now add issues to dynamic table rows. The Issues icon displays when you hover your cursor over the right side of a dynamic table row. You can then select the icon to add an issue.
An All types dropdown is now available on the Adjustments page that allows you to filter adjustments by type. When you select to export adjustments, only the filtered adjustments are included in the generated file. This allows you to select only the types of adjustments you need and provide a copy of them to your clients.
An update has been made to the Copy account assignment option on the Assign accounts page. When you select a consolidation engagement to copy account assignment from, you can then select which engagement in the consolidation hierarchy you want to use as the source engagement. You can also select multiple grouping structures to copy from the source to the destination engagement.
Additional guidance is now available on the Assign Fields page when you are assigning date fields for data imported from Excel.
This update does not include a new version of the template. All changes apply to both new and existing files.
To allow you to more easily find financial groups, a search option is now available on the Financial groups tabs on the Data page.
You now have the ability to create calculated adjustments. When you add an account or group line to an adjustment, you now have the option to select fx in the Amount field and create a calculation to determine the adjustment amount. If the value of the referenced trial balance account or group is changed, a Recalculate button appears to recalculate and update the adjustment amount.
Documents page navigation
When you navigate back to the Documents page after viewing a document, you are now automatically returned to the same location. This improvement ensures you don’t have to spend time navigating back to your previous location.
File restoration
You can now restore and download deleted third-party files from the new Recycle Bin. Examples of third-party files include Word, Excel and PDF documents.
When you delete a third-party file, the Recycle Bin option appears in the left pane of the Documents page.
When you navigate to the Recycle Bin page, you can view a list of deleted documents and select to download them or view the file history from the ) menu.
From the File History page, you can view all previous versions of the document and select a version to restore.
Duplicate adjustments
You can now use the Duplicate option to duplicatie adjustments. This option creates a new adjustment with the same type, description and account details as the original adjustment.
Note that any annotations, issues, or signoffs associated with the adjustment are not copied, and the duplicate adjustment defaults to the current year even if the original adjustment is for the prior year.
Copy visibility settings
As a firm author, you can now copy visibility settings for dynamic tables and text sections in your firm template that have been authored by Caseware in financial statements.
Carry forward for controls
Controls are now included when engagements are carried forward.
Issues for contacts
A new issue type, Client Comments, has been added. Client contacts with read-only permissions can create, view and respond to issues of this type. This allows contacts to add and respond to issues where their input is required, while maintaining the ability for staff users to discuss other issues privately.
General content update
Planning balances are enabled
Risk assessment
(Re)Insurance companies
Similarly to the risk report, you can sign off the entire report or individually sign off each risk in the risk assessment report.
You can now apply custom signoff schemes to the risk and risk assessment reports.
The following list summarizes the content updates implemented:
Document Number Lux Audit |
Document name |
A200 |
Added 1 new procedure. |
A300 |
Added 1 new procedure. |
B100 |
Minor change to document guidance. |
B200 |
3 new sub procedures included for Agricultural assets, Leases for lessees, and Government grants. |
B600 |
Minor changes to 3 procedures. |
B600 |
Minor change to document guidance. Added 1 new procedure. |
B305 |
Minor change to document guidance. |
B310 |
Minor change to document guidance. |
B250 |
Deleted 5 procedures. |
B320 |
Minor change to document guidance. |
Minor change to document guidance. |
C155 (New form) |
New form. The document will show when the user selects Yes for The engagement requires documentation on the nature of the consultation procedure in document A200. |
C170 (New form) |
New form, included in a new Group Audit Concise Content folder in the Risk Response section. The document will show when the user selects Yes for the Group audit alternative approach procedure in document A300. |
C180 (New form) |
New form, included in a new Group Audit Concise Content folder in the Risk Response section. The document will show when the user selects Yes for the Group audit alternative approach procedure in document A300. |
C190 (New form) |
New form, included in a new Group Audit Concise Content folder in the Risk Response section. The document will show when the user selects Yes for the Group audit alternative approach procedure in document A300. |
110.125 130.125 1600.125 1650.125 1600.103 1600.107 |
Minor change in Sample size text. |
40.101 (New form) |
New form. |
335.101 (New form) |
New form. |
340.101 (New form) |
New form. |
D300 |
Minor change to document guidance. |
D610 |
Moderate changes to 21 procedures. |
D545L |
Minor changes to content. |
Document Number Cloud |
Changes |
B250 (New Form) |
Updated the name of the Form. Reworded instructions for clarity and defined a complex accounting estimate. Added additional procedure to allow for documentation of the nature of the estimation. Added explicit procedure for documenting estimation uncertainty. Reworded procedures for clarity and removed duplicated procedure. |
B255 (New Form) |
Updated the name of the Form. Clarifications within the instructions and define a complex accounting estimate. Addition of data integrity procedures for compliance with ISA540 A39. Reworded procedures for clarity and remove duplicate procedure. |
C130 |
Major change to 7 procedures. Added 7 new procedures Delete 6 procedures. |
B600 |
Added additional procedure, “Significant judgement relating to the reasonability of accounting estimates and related disclosures (ISA 540.39e).” |
All X.101 Forms |
Deleted 6 procedures |
1.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
5.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
10.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
20.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
35.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures Minor change to 3 procedure. |
110.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
120.101 |
Major change to 10 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
130.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
135.101 |
Major change to 10 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
140.101 |
Major change to 7 procedures. Minor change to 1 procedure Added 2 procedures |
200.101 |
Major change to 7 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
200.102 |
Major change to 7 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
300.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
325.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
330.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
400.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
425.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
430.101 |
Major change to 7 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
1500.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
1600.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
1600.105 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
1700.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
1800.101 |
Major change to 9 procedures. Added 2 procedures |
Work Program improvements
We have added an additional sub-procedure in every grouping B. Substantive Procedures Extended type procedure in Work Programs, to assist in the documentation of the audit work.
Want to know more about CW Cloud connector?
A number of improvements have been made to Cloud Connector as part of this release:
The Cloud Connector pane now features a new design.
A loading indicator has now been added to the pane so users are aware their data is still loading.
Accounts and groups with a zero balance are now hidden by default. You can select the Include zero-balance items checkbox to show these items.
Cloud Connector formulas now support using parent entity, subsidiary, and consolidated data for consolidation engagements.
When you add a group to your spreadsheet from the Cloud Connector pane, all visible subgroups of that group are now also added.
Two new formulas have been added to Cloud Connector to allow materiality information to be used in Cloud Connector formulas. The formulas are:
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