Activating Caseware Working Papers

Steps to activate a new Caseware working papers license.

1. Types of licenses

2. Activating Standalone licencenses

3. Activating Network licenses

3.1 New License manager installations

3.2 Existing installations

4. Troubleshooting

4.1 Error 88 or No-net as servername

1. Types of licenses

There are 2 types of licenses, Network licenses and Standalone licenses

1. Network licenses are used for server installations or bigger firms who have access to an application server where all the users are in the same network as the server. (The use of a VPN is allowed)

If the license you have received is in the format *E ABC898898........ , then you have a network license and can continue to step 3. Activating Network Licenses

2. Standalone licenses are used to activate Working Papers  when there is no access to a server. This type is used the most for installations on desktops/laptops

If the license you received is similar to  AA11111BB1C1234DA86A6 you have a standalone license and can follow step 2. Activating standalone licenses

2. Activating a standalone license

You should have received an e-mail with title "Caseware Working Papers 2024".
In this e-mail you will find your license code. The same license is used to register all installations.

When opening Working Papers a popup will show asking to activate your license:

Click Register Now.

In the next screen select Stand alone and click Register Now.

In the screen that follows, click Next.

Copy your license code in the first field and fill in your full name and email address and click Next.

It's important to fill in these fields correctly as these are used to identify you when a reinstallation is needed.

Choose Register automatically over the internet and click Next again.

3 Activating a Network License

If you are performing an upgrade and have already used a previous version of Working Papers you can skip to step 3.2 Existing installations

3.1 New License manager installations

In orde to generate your license code, we need your unique locking code and server name.
Use the Windows Search Bar to open the application Get locking Code

Or you can navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare International\Server Tools  in the File Explorer and manually run cwechoid.exe as seen below:

This will open the necessary license info, copy and send both as text to :

If your servername displays as No-net, then please continue to Troubleshooting No-net and try again.

We will then generate your license code and send it back to you.

After you received the license code, you can continue to step 3.2 Existing installations

3.2 Existing installations

Use the Windows Search Bar to open the application License Manager

Or you can navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare International\License Administration  in the File Explorer and manually run WlmAdmin.exe as seen below:

In License manager, expand Subnet server and right click on your server name

Choose Add Feature ➜ From a string ➜ To server and its File

Copy and paste your license code in the field provided and click Add

The license is now correctly added to the license manager, you may now close the License manager.

It is possible that you receive error 88, if that is the case continue to Troubleshooting error 88


4 Troubleshooting

4.1 Error 88 or No-net as server name

Sometimes the license manager has difficulty finding the server name. In this case we need to add the server name to the environment variables. 

Use the Windows Search Bar to open SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe

Then go to Advanced ➜ Environment variables...

Now add your server name as a value to the to the LSHOST Variable, and click Ok

Now you can try again to add the license code to the license manager.